The Responsible Sourcing Scheme for Growing Media has been developed by the Growing Media Association under the auspices of the Horticultural Trades Association and in collaboration with leading retailers, Defra and NGO’s.It assesses the impact of each raw material that accounts for more than 5% of the volume of the mix against seven criteria. Learn More
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Miracle-Gro Plant & Grow
No more backache from lifting heavy bags of compost with Miracle-Gro Plant & Grow lightweight compost. Light in weight but not in quality, this mighty compost will feed your plants for up to 6 months and help retain up to 25% more moisture! Use on any plant, indoor or outdoor straight on the soil.
Rating: e

Bulrush Multipurpose
A premium compost for use all around the garden. Sizes: 60L, 40L & 20L bags
Rating: c

SylvaGrow Rose, Tree and Shrub Planting Compost
SylvaGrow® Rose, Tree and Shrub is a rich, friable, carefully formulated planting compost for effective establishment in garden soils. 100% peat-free and containing balanced slow-release nutrients, it is based on a Melcourt compost widely used throughout the UK by professional landscapers. Available in 40 litre packs and 0.6m3 bulk bags
Rating: a

Peat-Free Multi-Purpose Compost with JI
Professional quality, 100% Peat-Free compost. Soil Association Approved for Organic growing. Chemical free and natural. 100% sustainable: grown, harvested, sourced & manufactured in the UK. Suitable for a wide range of garden applications including potting, potting-on and planting out. Vegan friendly. Available in 20 & 40 litre bags.

SylvaGrow Farmyard
A rich source of organic matter for all soils, adding nutrients, improving fertility and yield, soil structure and workability and enhancing water-holding capacity. 100% peat-free, approved by the Soil Association and suitable for use by vegans. Available in 40 litre bags and 0.6m3 bulk bags
Rating: a

Bulrush Moisture Retaining
Compost for use with hanging baskets, containers, tubs and window boxes Sizes: 60L bag, 20L carry bale
Rating: c

Miracle-Gro Premium Moisture Control Enriched Compost Pots & Baskets
A Premium Compost, that caters the needs of all mature plants in pots and hanging baskets. Its unique formulation of 3 different patends will feed your plants for 6 months, provide the optimum structure for the roots to grow strong and control water availability according to their needs, as a result your plants will thrive. Ideal for annual and perennial plants. Works well for mature pot plants. Perfect for use in hanging baskets, pots and containers.
Rating: e

Jack's Magic All Purpose Compost
Jack’s Magic Reduced Peat All Purpose Compost blends the finest natural ingredients to create a pure and balanced growing medium, which produces super, natural growth and exceptional health for plants and blooms all over your house and garden.

Peat-free and Carbon Neutral growbag. Based on a mix of coir, composted bark, recycled wood fibre and green compost with added nutrients. Harmony Gardens Growbag is the perfect planting bag to produce exceptional crops.

All Purpose Compost John Innes (Peat Free)
Evergreen Multi-Purpose Compost with added John Innes contains a perfect blend of carefully selected soil, sphagnum moss peat and John Innes to provide an ideal multi-purpose loambased compost. The John Innes fertiliser increases water and nutrient retention and is ideal for bedding & pot plants and shrubs.

Peat-Free Lawn Feed & Dressing
Professional quality, 100% Peat-Free Lawn Feed & Dressing. Soil Association Approved for Organic growing. Chemical free and natural. Pet & Child safe. 100% sustainable: grown, harvested, sourced & manufactured in the UK. The by-product of renewable energy production. Suitable for all lawns and soil types. N:P:K and nutrient rich. Available in 40 litre bags.

Moregro Multi Purpose Compost with added John Innes
"Our MoreGro Multipurpose with added John Innes has been formulated with the 50 year old recipe to create a medium for all life stages in plants. With added loam from the John Innes and the fibres present in our peat free range provides an optimum soil structure that encourages root growth and extended plant life. The loam and fibres are a perfect combination for holding nutrients and creates a texture that retains water long enough for plants to access it. The compost drains well and stops roots from sitting in waterlogged soils and prevents rotting that might result in the death of the plant. We have included seaweed and volcanic dust to our product to help add essential micro nutrients such as sulphur and gypsum promoting micro-organism activity and regulation of pH."